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- Technical Data
- Adapter Competitor Crossover Index
- American Dryseal Pipe Threads (NPTF & NPSM)
- British Standard Pipe – BSPP (BSPP Parallel & BSPT Tapered)
- Full Adapter Competitor Crossover
- Hose Type Chart
- Metric
- Metric – English Equivalents / English – Metric Equivalents
- Metric Threads (Light & Heavy)
- Millimeters – Fractions – Decimals
- NPT Pressure Ratings, ANSI/ASME B31.3
- OFT (O-Ring Face Seal)
- Part Number Identification Chart
- SAE J1453 O-Ring Face Seal (OFT)
- SAE J514 37° JIC Flare
- SAE J514 Pressure Ratings
- SAE J514 Straight Thead O-Ring Boss
- SAE J518 37° (JIC)
- SAE J518 Code 61: 4 Bolt Split Flange Kit
- SAE J518 Code 62: 4 Bolt Split Flange Kit
- SHF Product Line Card
- Stainless Steel Crimp Fitting Series Selection for Approved Hoses
- Straight Thread O-Ring Boss
- Superlok – Technical Data
- Superlok – Tube Standard Information
- Superlok Competitor Crossover
- Torque Conversion Equivalents LB./IN.-LB./FT.-Newton Meter
- Tube Pressure Ratings
- Valves
- Warranty, Terms, and Conditions
- SGRV - Gauge Root Valve
- SGBV - Gauge Valve
- Metric Tubing
- Imperial Tubing
- T - Schedule 40 Toe Nipple
- CWO-OFT - Carbon Hex Weld On x Female ORFS
- CWO-FJ - Carbon Hex Weld On x Female JIC
- CWO-MP - Carbon Hex Weld On x Male NPT
- SHFWO-BSP - Hex Weld On x Female BSPP
- SHFWO-OFT90T - Hex Weld On x Female ORFS 90° - Tube Assembly
- SHFWO-OFT45T - Hex Weld On x Female ORFS 45° - Tube Assembly
- SHFWO-OFT - Hex Weld On x Female ORFS
- SHFWO-FH - Code 62 x Bore for Tubing
- SHFWO-FL - Code 61 x Bore for Tubing
- SHFWO-FJ90T - Hex Weld On x Female JIC 90° - Tube Assembly
- SHFWO-FJ45T - Hex Weld On x Female JIC 45° - Tube Assembly
- SHFWO-FJ - Hex Weld On x Female JIC
- 0402 - Male JIC x Bore for Pipe
- SHFWO-MJ - Hex Weld On x Male JIC
- SHFWO-FP - Hex Weld On x Female NPT
- WO-MP316C - Male NPT Cast Hex Weld On
- SHFWO-MP - Hex Weld On x Male NPT
- SQC - Quick Connects
- SRVH - High Pressure Relief Valve
- SRVL - Low Pressure Relief Valve
- SUNV - Union Bonnet Needle Valve
- SINV - Integral Bonnet Bar Needle Valve
- SPUV - Purge Valve
- SBLV - Bleed & Purge Valve
- SPV130 - Plug Valve
- SHCV - High Pressure Check Valve
- SACV - Adjustable Check Valve
- SOACV - One-Piece Adjustable Check Valve
- SOCV - One Piece Check Valve
- SPCV - Check Valve
- SHFBV - SHF High Pressure Ball Valve
- SBVF360 - 360 Series Three Way
- SBVF360 - 360 Series Two Way
- SBVH360 - 360 Series Ball Valve
- SBV120 - 120 Series Ball Valve
- SBVL210 - 210 Series Key Operational Ball Valve
- SBVT210 - 210 Series Ball Valve Tee
- SBV210 - 210 Series Ball Valve
- DN - DIN Nut
- DS - DIN Bite Ring
- DP - DIN Plug
- DC - DIN Tube Cap
- DSRT - DIN Swivel Adjustable Run Tee
- DSE - DIN Swivel Adjustable Elbow
- DBHU - DIN Bulkhead Union
- DUT - DIN Union Tee
- DUE - DIN Union Elbow
- DU - DIN Union
- DMC-N - DIN Male Connector x Male NPT Thread
- DMC-GED - DIN Male Connector x BSPP with ED-Ring
- DMC-M - DIN Male Connector x Metric
- DMC-GM - DIN Male Connector x BSPP
- 7005 - Male JIC x Male DIN - Metric
- SVP - Vent Protector
- SN - Nut
- SI - Insert
- SFS - Ferrule Set
- SFF - Front Ferrule
- SBF - Black Ferrule
- SSWE - Socket Weld Elbow
- SSWC - Socket Weld Connector
- SMPWE - Male Pipe Weld Elbow
- SPWC - Male Pipe Weld Conector
- SU - Union
- SRU - Reducing Union
- SBHRU - Bulkhead Reducing Union
- SBHU - Bulkhead Union
- SUC - Union Cross
- SUT - Union Tee
- SRUT - Reducing Union Tee
- SPMRT - Positionable Male Run Tee
- SPMBT - Positionable Male Branch Tee
- SMRT - Male Run Tee
- SMBT - Male Branch Tee
- SFRT - Female Run Tee
- SFBT - Female Branch Tee
- SRPC - Reducing Port Connector
- SR - Reducer
- SPC - Port Connector
- SSMA - Non-Positionable SAE Male Connector
- SMA - Male Adapter
- SFTC - Flanged Lapped Tube Connector
- SFA - Female Adapter
- SBR - Bulkhead Reducer
- SP - Plug
- SC - Cap
- SSMC - SAE / MS Male Connector
- SOSC - O-Seal Straight Thread Connector
- SOPC - O-Seal Pipe Thread Connector
- SUE - Union Elbow
- SPME - 90° Positionable Male Elbow
- SME - Male Elbow
- SPHME - 45° Positionable Male Elbow
- SHME - 45° Male Elbow
- SFE - Female Elbow
- SGC - Gauge Connector
- SOMC - Male Connector for Metal Gasket Seal
- SGMC - Male Connector for Bonded Washer Seal
- SMC - Male Connector - Metric
- SMC - Male Connector
- SFC - Female Connector
- SBMC - Bulkhead Male Connector
- SBFC - Bulkhead Female Connector
- SAU - AN Union
- SAF - AN Flare
- SABU - AN Bulkhead Union
- SAA - AN Adapter
- SAS - Stainless Anti-Seize compound
- HSFC - Code 62 Captive Flange
- HSF - Code 62 Split Flange Kit
- 1804 - MJIC x Code 62 Flange 90°
- 1803 - MJIC x Code 62 Flange 45°
- 1800 - MJIC x Code 62 Flange
- TT50 260 SS
- LSFC - Code 61 Captive Flange
- LSF - Code 61 Split Flange Kit
- 1704 - MJIC x Code 61 Flange 90°
- 1703 - MJIC x Code 61 Flange 45°
- 1700 - MJIC x Code 61 Flange
- BBS - British Bonded Seal
- 6801-BSPP - MJIC x MBSPP Adjustable Elbow
- 9033 - FBSPP x FBSPP
- 9023 - MBSPP x FBSPP
- 9022 - MBSPP x MBSPP
- 7052 - FBSPP x FNPT
- 7042 - MBSPP x FNPT
- 7032 - MBSPP x MNPT
- 7022 - FJIC x MBSPP
- FS2700 - ORFS Bulkhead w/ Lock Nut
- FS319 - ORFS Braze Sleeve for Tubing
- FS318 - ORFS Tube Nut
- FS2408 - ORFS Plug
- FS304-C - FORFS Cap
- FS6400 - MORFS x MORB
- FS2404 - MORFS x MNPT
- FS2403 - ORFS Male Union
- 5406-P - MNPT Hex Pipe Plug
- 5406-HHP - MNPT Hollow Hex Plug
- 5406-BSPP-HHP - MBSPP Hollow Hex Plug
- 5406-C - FNPT x Pipe Cap
- 5652 - FNPT Cross
- 5605 - FNPT Tee
- 5604 - FNPT x FNPT x MNPT Tee
- 5602 - MNPT x FNPT x FNPT Tee
- 5600 - MNPT Tee
- 5504 - FNPT 90°
- 5502 - MNPT x FNPT 90°
- 5500 - MNPT x MNPT 90°
- 1501 - MNPT x FNPSM 90°
- 5505 - FNPT x FNPT 45°
- 5503 - MNPT x FNPT 45°
- 5501 - MNPT x MNPT 45°
- 1503 - MNPT x FNPSM 45°
- CN - Close Nipple
- 5406 - MNPT x FNPT Bushing
- 5405 - MNPT x FNPT Expander
- 5404-LH - MNPT x MNPT Long Hex
- 5404 - MNPT x MNPT
- 5000 - FNPT x FNPT
- 2707 - FNPT x FNPT Bulkhead Union
- 1405 - FNPT x FNPSM
- 1404-HP - MNPT x FNPSM (High Pressure)
- 1404 - MNPT x FNPSM
- 6408-HH - MORB Hollow Hex Plug
- 6408 - MORB Hex Plug
- 6815 - MORB x FORB 90° Adjustable
- 6805 - FNPT x MORB 90° Adjustable
- 6425 - FORB x FORB
- 6410 - MORB x FORB
- 6405 - MORB x FNPT
- 6404 - FORB x MNPT
- 6401 - MORB x MNPT
- 3474 - Adjustable MORB x MORB
- FS - SS Flare Saver Seal for MJIC 37°
- 319 - JIC Tube Sleeve
- 318 - JIC Tube Nut
- 306-LN - Bulkhead Lock Nut
- 2408 - JIC Plug
- 304-C - JIC Cap Nut
- 2650 - MJIC Cross
- 6804 - MJIC x MORB x MJIC Adjustable Run Tee
- 6803 - MJIC x MJIC x MORB Adjustable Branch Tee
- 6606 - FJIC Swivel Tee
- 6602 - MJIC x FJIC x MJIC Swivel Run Tee
- 6600 - MJIC x MJIC x FJIC Swivel Branch Tee
- 2704 - MJIC Bulkhead Run Tee
- 2703 - MJIC Bulkhead Branch Tee
- 2606 - MJIC x FNPT x MJIC Tee
- 2605 - MJIC x MNPT x MJIC Tee
- 2603 - MJIC Tee
- 2602 - MJIC x MJIC x FNPT Tee
- 2601 - MJIC x MJIC x MNPT Tee
- 6809 - FJIC x MORB 90° Adjustable
- 6801-LL - MJIC x MORB 90° Extra Long Adjustable Elbow
- 6801-L - MJIC x MORB 90° Long Adjustable Elbow
- 6801 - MJIC x MORB 90° Adjustable Elbow
- 6701 - MJIC x FJIC 90° Tube Style
- 6503 - FNPT x FJIC 90° Swivel Connector
- 6501 - MNPT x FJIC 90°
- 6500 - MJIC x FJIC 90°
- 2701 - MJIC Bulkhead Union 90°
- 2502 - MJIC x FNPT 90°
- 2501-LL - MJIC x MNPT Extra Long 90°
- 2501-L - MJIC x MNPT Long 90°
- 2501 - MJIC x MNPT 90°
- 2500 - MJIC x MJIC 90°
- 6802 - MJIC x MORB 45° Adjustable
- 6502 - MJIC x FJIC 45°
- 2702 - MJIC Bulkhead Union 45°
- 2503 - MJIC x MNPT 45°
- 7005-S - MJIC x M DIN - Heavy
- 7005-L - MJIC x M DIN - Light
- 6565 - FJIC x FJIC
- 6506 - FNPT x FJIC
- 6505 - MNPT x FJIC
- 6504 - MJIC x FJIC
- 6402 - MORB x FJIC
- 6400-L - MJIC x MORB Long
- 6400 - MJIC x MORB
- 2706 - MNPT x MJIC Bulkhead
- 2705 - FNPT x MJIC Bulkhead
- 2700 - MJIC Bulkhead Union
- 2406 - FJIC x MJIC Reducer
- 2405 - MJIC x FNPT
- 2404-BSPT - MJIC x MBSPT
- 2404-BSPP - MJIC x MBSPP
- 2404-L - MJIC x MNPT Long
- 2404 - MJIC x MNPT
- 2403-LH - MJIC Union Large Hex
- 2403 - MJIC Union
- 0403 – Male JIC x Bore for Tubing
- Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Female 45° SAE Flare Swivel
- Hose Mender Union
- Female ORFS Swivel
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- HB x Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Hose Barb Tee
- HB x Female JIC Swivel
- HB x Female NPT Swivel
- HB x Male NPT - 90°
- HB x Male NPT - 45°
- HB x Male NPT
- 90 Series 100R14 – Female JIC 37° Swivel
- BN Series 100R5 - Life Saver
- BN Series 100R5 - SAE Swivel Female 45° Flare
- BN Series 100R5 - Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- BN Series 100R5 - Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- BN Series 100R5 - Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- BN Series 100R5 - Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- BM Series 100R2AT - Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- BM Series 100R2AT - Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- BM Series 100R2AT - Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- BM Series 100R2AT - Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Life Saver
- Double Ferrule Instrumentation Compression
- JIS 30° Cone Seat
- DIN 24° Light - 90°
- DIN 24° Light - Straight
- Metric Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Female 45° SAE Flare Swivel
- Female BSP Swivel - 90°
- Female BSP Swivel
- Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Female ORFS Swivel
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Female NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Female NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Female BSP Swivel - 90°
- Female BSP Swivel - 45°
- Female BSP Swivel
- Female ORFS Swivel
- Code 62 Flange - 90°
- Code 62 Flange - 60°
- Code 62 Flange - 45°
- Code62 Flange - 30°
- Code 62 Flange - Straight
- Code61 Flange - 90°
- Code61 Flange - 45°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Female ORFS Swivel
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Code62 Flange - 90°
- Code 62 Flange - Straight
- Code 61 Flange - 90°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Female ORFS Swivel - 90°
- Female ORFS Swivel - 45°
- Female ORFS Swivel
- Swivel Female O-Ring Face Seal (ORFS)
- Female JIC 37° Swivel
- DIN 24° Heavy - 90°
- DIN 24° Heavy - 45°
- DIN 24° Heavy - Straight
- DIN 24° Light - 90°
- DIN 24° Light - 45°
- DIN 24° Light - Straight
- Metric Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone 90°
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone - 45°
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone - Straight
- Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - 90°
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - 45°
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - Straight
- Male ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal)
- Code 62 Flange - 90°
- Code 62 Flange - 45°
- Code 62 Flange - Straight
- Code 61 Flange - 90°
- Code 61 Flange - 45°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90° Long Drop
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- Male O-Ring Boss SAE Straight Thread - 90° - Swivel
- Male O-Ring Boss SAE Straight Thread - Rigid
- Female NPSM Pipe - Swivel (30° Cone)
- Male NPT Pipe - Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- Code 62 Flange - 90°
- Code 62 Flange - 45°
- Code 62 Flange - Straight
- Code 61 Flange - 90°
- Code 61 Flange - 45°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- MPX (Extra Long Hex)
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- DIN 24° Heavy - 90°
- DIN 24° Heavy - Straight
- DIN 24° Light - 90°
- DIN 24° Light - Straight
- Metric Stand Pipe (Tube Stub) - 90°
- Metric Stand Pipe (Tube Stub) - Straight
- Female 45° SAE Flare - Swivel
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone - 90°
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone - 45°
- Swivel Female BSP 60° Cone - Straight
- Instrument Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Stand Pipe (Tube Stub) - 90°
- Stand Pipe (Tube Stub) - Straight
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal)
- Code 61 Flange - 90°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- Male O-Ring Boss SAE Straight Thread - Rigid
- Female NPSM Pipe - Swivel (30° Cone)
- Male NPT Pipe - Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- BOP Over Ferrule
- MPX (Extra Long Hex) Carbon Ferrule
- DIN 24° Heavy - 90°
- DIN 24° Heavy - 45°
- DIN 24° Heavy - Straight
- DIN 24° Light - 90°
- DIN 24° Light - 45°
- DIN 24° Light - Straight
- Life Saver - Tubing (Counterbore for Tubing)
- Metric - Stand Pipe (Tube Stub)
- Female BSP 60° Cone Swivel - 90°
- Female BSP 60° Cone Swivel - Straight
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - 90°
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - 45°
- Swivel Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - Straight
- Code 62 Flange - 90°
- Code 62 Flange - 45°
- Code 62 Flange - Straight
- Code 61 Flange - 90°
- Code 61 Flange - 45°
- Code 61 Flange - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- Male O-Ring Boss SAE Straight Thread - Rigid
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid
- DIN 24° Heavy - 90°
- DIN 24° Heavy - Straight
- DIN 24° Light - 90°
- DIN 24° Light - Straight
- Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - 90°
- Female ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) - Straight
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 90°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - 45°
- Female JIC 37° Swivel - Straight
- Male JIC 37° - Rigid
- Male NPT Pipe - Swivel
- Male NPT Pipe - Rigid